Embark on a journey of innovation at the Adobe Summit, brought to life by Prada’s corporate video filmed at their iconic store in Milan’s Duomo Square. Our...
In the production of ‘Our Man in Italy’ for Amazon Prime Video, our team provided essential support services to ensure a seamless execution of the show...
Our team orchestrated the executive production of the ‘Superior Pizza’ commercial for Finland-based brand Apetit, showcasing our comprehensive capabilities. Directed by award-winning DP Luca Bigazzi and commissioned...
‘Ciurè’, a cinematic exploration by CDMstudios, intricately weaves the lives of two individuals from diverse backgrounds within Palermo’s vibrant yet challenging landscape. This compelling narrative delves...
‘Ciao House – American Chefs in Competition’ is a culinary reality show set in Tuscany, produced by Super Delicious for Food Network USA. Hosted by Alex...
For the ‘Pompeii’ film project by Constantine Film, our team handled executive production for the Italian shooting segment. Directed by Paul Anderson with VFX supervision by Dennis...